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Flabby Arms

Flabby arms, often referred to as "bat wings", occur when the upper arms lose firmness and appear saggy or loose. This condition typically results from a combination of factors, include aging, which leads to a natural decline in collagen and elastin. causing skin to lose its elasticity. 

Additionally, muscle tone diminishes with inactivity, and excess fat in the area can contribute to the appearance. 


Other causes include significant weight loss, where the skin may not fully retract after fat loss, or genetic predisposition, making some individuals more prone to flabbiness in the arms. 


While flabby arms are not a medical concern, they can impact self-confidence.


How can we help you?

A combination of strength training, healthy eating, and professional treatments like:


1. Radiofrequency Skin Tightening

2. High Intensity Frequency Ultrasound (HIFU)

3. Body Contouring Procedures


can help improve firmness and redefine the appearance of the upper arms.

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